Tuesday 10 January 2017

Computer Impacts and Applications

Everyone knows that this is the age of computer and vast majority of people are using computer. Development of science and technology has direct effect on our daily life as well as in our social life. Computer technology has made communication possible from one part of the world to the other in seconds. They can see the transactions in one part of the world while staying in the other part. Computer development is one of the greatest scientific achievements of the twentieth century.

Application of Computer

Computers play a great role in the society. Whether at home, in school, at the mall or in the
office, computers significantly help in the accomplishment of various tasks.
Be it at work or at
play, computers have undeniably been utilized to perform general or specific activities that enable life to be more convenient and worry-free. Some of the major computer application fields are listed below.

Computers in Business

In the field of business, computers are very useful. They are used in keeping records of daily sales and profits. Computers are also used to prepare materials to promote the products of the business establishments.

Computers in Engineering

Engineers use computers to create the design of a complex object using a computer program
for Computer-Aided Drafting.

Computers in the Government

Computers are used to keep records of the people that the government serves. Several
government agencies use computers to facilitate the task they are required to give to the

Computers at Home

Computers are used at home for recreational purposes. You can listen to music, watch movies
and play games. Children use their computers at home to do their schoolwork. Parents use
computers to assist them in doing their daily tasks. If your computer at home has internet access, then you can explore the amazing features of the Internet in the comfort of your home.

Computers in Manufacturing

Computers are used in manufacturing to manipulate machine that perform dangerous tasks or
tasks that are repeatedly done.

Computers in School

Computer Education is one subject taught in schools today. Teachers use computers in
classroom instruction, in computing grades and in preparing visual aids. Students use
computers to study various computer applications. Libraries are connected to the Internet and
students access the internet to do research.

Computers in Science

Computers are used in science to stimulate experiments, which are dangerous to perform in
real life. Computers are also used to record data and information derived from experiments.

Computer in Air Travel

Small computers are installed as a part of the plane's equipment.

In addition computers are also used for recording and film studios, research, military, banking, telephones, medicine etc.

Impact of Computers

Computers have both positive and negative impact in our daily life as well as in our social life. But the gross development of the nation is faster with the application of computers in industries and education. The both positive and negative impacts of computers are listed below.

Positive Impact of Computer ;

  • Any professional individual like doctors, engineers, businessmen etc. undergo a change in their style or working pattern after they get the knowledge of computer.
  • An individual becomes more competent to take a decisions due to the computer because all the information required to take the decision is provided by the computer on time. As a result, any individuals or institutions get success very fast. 
  • The person working at the managerial level becomes less dependent on low level staff like clerks and accountants. Their accessibility to the information increases tremendously. This improves their working patters and efficiency, which benefit the organization and ultimately affects the society positively. 
  • In common life also, an individual gets benefited with computer technology. When airports, hospitals, banks, departmental stores have been computerized, people get quick service due to the computer system. 
  • Computers have created new fields of employment. These employments are in the field of designing, manufacturing, teaching, etc.

Negative Impact of Computer ;

  • Due to any reasons, if the data stored in the computer is lost, the person responsible for handling the computer will have to tolerate a lot. 
  • People do not use their mind for common arithmetic, which gradually results in loss of their numerical ability. 
  • Today, any person who does not have the knowledge of computer is considered the second class citizens. 
  • People have fear that growing children may lose their common sense abilities like numerical ability due to total dependence on computers. 
  • Due to the computerization workload for the employees reduces many times. As a result, many organization may require to remove some of its employees. It produces the dissatisfaction and lack of security among the employees. Due to this, employees do not corporate the organization. As a result, the output can be disastrous. 
  • As a result of introduction of new technology in an organization, the organization may need to spend a tremendous amount on the training of its employees.

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